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  1. What is cloud object data?
  2. What is the availability of the cloud object data?
  3. How do I download cloud object data from the web site?
  4. How do I referecnce the cloud object dataset in Journal articles?
  5. Who can I contact if I have questions on the technical subject matter?
  6. Who can I contact if I have problems with the web site?
  7. How can I get a schedule of data releases?
  1. What is cloud object data?

    Click here for a presentation of cloud object data.

  2. What is the availability of the cloud object data?

    The cloud object data is available directly from the cloud object website (

    Currently, we have processed cloud object data for the following three data periods.

    • TRMM satellite : January to August 1998 and March 2000
    • Terra satellite : March 2000 to February 2002
    • Aqua satellite : July 2002 to June 2004

  3. How do I download cloud object data from the web site?

    Click here for a tour of the data access features.

  4. How do I referecnce the cloud object dataset in Journal articles?

    Please provide a reference to the following paper when you publish scientific results with the cloud object data:

    Xu, K.-M., T. Wong, B. A. Wielicki, L. Parker, and Z. A. Eitzen, 2005: Statistical Analyses of Satellite Cloud Object Data for Large Ensemble Evaluation of Cloud Models. Part I: Methodology and Preliminary Results.
    Journal of Climate, 18, NO. 13, 2497-2514.

    We also request the following acknowledgment be included:

    "The cloud object data were obtained from the NASA Langley Cloud Object website at"

  5. Who can I contact if I have question on the technical subject matter?

    The readme file included with the downloaded data package contains basic information about the cloud object dataset. Please take a look at this file first. If you have additional questions that are not covered in the readme file, please forward them to our project scientists below.

  6. Who can I contact if I have problems with the web site?

    The cloud object web site has been tested with the most popular web browsers on the market. If you are having problems with the web site, please try using a different web browser first. If the problem continues, please contact our cloud object web page curator below

  7. How can I get a schedule of data releases?

    The schedule of data releases, when available, will be posted on our news and events page. - Government Made Easy

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NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Curator: Edward Kizer
NASA Official: Takmeng Wong
Last Updated: January 22, 2025
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